Salary Negotiation Tips: When is the Right Time to Ask?

5:10 PM by PINOY STREETJOB · 0 comments

"Addressing job salary negotiation at the right time creates good impression."
Salary negotiation is an important step of an interview when you seek a job. Higher percentage of people seeking jobs finds it difficult to judge the right time for job salary negotiation. Negotiations begin once you are offered a formal job offer. There is a right time to start your salary negotiation. Don't make the mistake of trying to negotiate your salary after you have accepted the job or said 'yes' to them.

You have to do preparation and explore current market value for the position you are applying or working. Such selective information will help you to carry over a negotiation for salary. Create a pay scale salary profile and keep it updated. Your negotiation would be strong if you learn and know the information for your job and skills. Never talk about salary in an interview or negotiate till you know the best way to confer salary.

You should first learn strategies on how to deal with some questions like what you look for or what kind of salary package you wish. Never make a hurry to negotiate money, such an attempt spoils the show. It is promoting for candidates to change topics and delay salary negotiation till the employer is convinced that you are the right candidate for him. So factually talking, there is a right time when you should ask for it.

If you are still not sure what is the right time to ask for salary negotiation then go through the following salary negotiation tips.

  • It would be very early to negotiate salary if you have not received any official job offer. Until an employer shows interest in you, you cannot attempt to go for salary negotiations.
  • Your salary negotiation success rate increases if you have other job offers from few other companies; have specialized skills; have a value that your position will affect the company's earnings and position; there are no candidates in the running and the boss has the potential to understand your skills.
  • Job offer salary negotiation can be a daunting process. The employer would always try to find out what is in your mind. This is very natural for every employer to know the salary expectations of a candidate. In this way they look forward to save some money. For instance if the employer can pay $50,000 but you say that your expectation is $40,000, he would be cunning in saving a good amount.
  • Always try in a legitimate way to find out what the company or employer is capable to pay, and wait for the right time to negotiate it. Don't hurry! Though throughout the interview you would feel to negotiate salary, but wait for the money moment! Addressing job salary negotiation at the right time creates good impression. Instead of disclosing your current or previous salary mark, ask the hiring manager what the company expects to pay for the position you have applied for.
  • If you are already working, look forward to financial calendar of your company and current situation. If the outlook of your company is rosy, then it can be the right time for salary negotiations. However if the situation is tight and there are losses, you have to wait for the next right opportunity.


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